Ugh...I put red giant on my final but everyone else put white dwarf. Can you tell me which is correct. Please and thanks. :)

What is brighter a red giant or a white dwarf and why?

Thanks <3


White dwarfs evolve into red giants when the hydrogen runs out at the center (unless they are much more massive than the sun and become supernovas). Red giants are larger but much cooler than white dwarfs and their net light output (absolute brihtness) is less.

Of course! I'd be happy to help you understand the answer.

To determine which is brighter, we need to consider the different characteristics of a red giant and a white dwarf.

A red giant is a phase in the life cycle of a star, where it has exhausted its core hydrogen and starts fusing helium in its core. During this phase, a red giant can expand to many times its original size, becoming significantly larger and brighter than it was before. However, red giants are not as hot as other stars, so their surface temperature tends to be lower.

On the other hand, a white dwarf is the remnant of a low to medium mass stellar core after it has exhausted its nuclear fuel. These stars have stopped fusion reactions and are much smaller and denser compared to their previous stages. White dwarfs can be hotter than red giants and have higher surface temperatures.

So, in terms of brightness, white dwarfs are generally brighter than red giants. The higher surface temperature of white dwarfs causes them to emit more intense light than red giants.

Therefore, if your classmates put white dwarf as the answer, they are likely correct. White dwarfs are generally considered to be brighter than red giants due to their higher surface temperature.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the concept for you. Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!