From least to greatest.....

-3 /-6/ -5 /4/

-6 -5 -3 4

oh the lines mean nothing right?? okay now i understand...also what algebraic expression means 5 more than w:


The answer is C, or 5+w. If you have w apples, and Mark has 5 more than w apples, he will have w+5 apples. 5+w is the same as w+5.

To arrange the given numbers from least to greatest, we need to simplify each absolute value and then compare them.

Starting with the given numbers: -3, -6, -5, and 4, let's simplify their absolute values:

|-3| = 3
|-6| = 6
|-5| = 5
|4| = 4

The simplified absolute values are: 3, 6, 5, and 4.

Now, let's arrange these simplified absolute values in ascending order:

3, 4, 5, 6

Therefore, the numbers -3, -6, -5, and 4 arranged from least to greatest are: -6, -5, -3, 4.