what caused columbus to learn from prince henry's center for navigators?

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To understand why Christopher Columbus learned from Prince Henry's center for navigators, we need to delve into some historical context.

Prince Henry the Navigator, also known as Henry the Navigator, was a Portuguese prince who lived during the 15th century. He sponsored a center for navigation called the School of Sagres, located in Sagres, Portugal. The primary goal of this center was to promote and advance maritime exploration, aiming to expand Portuguese influence, trade routes, and knowledge of the world. The center attracted skilled navigators, cartographers, shipbuilders, and scholars, who conducted research, developed navigation techniques, and navigational instruments.

Now, let's focus on Columbus. He was an Italian explorer who sought funding and support for his ambitious plan to find a direct westward route to Asia. Columbus approached various monarchs and potential backers, including King John II of Portugal, hoping to secure their backing for his expedition. However, his initial attempts were unsuccessful.

It was during this time that Columbus got in touch with the Portuguese navigational community. He lived in Portugal for a significant period and interacted with sailors, cartographers, and scholars associated with Prince Henry's center for navigators. Through these connections, Columbus gained access to valuable knowledge and the latest navigational techniques, advancements in shipbuilding, and mapmaking.

The navigational expertise and resources available at Prince Henry's center influenced Columbus's understanding of navigation, cartography, and exploration. It is believed that his time in Portugal played a crucial role in shaping his vision and knowledge, ultimately leading to his eventual voyages of exploration.

So, to sum it up, Columbus learned from Prince Henry's center for navigators in Portugal due to his desire to gain expertise, knowledge, and connections to support his own maritime ambitions.