1. Where can we get information about Internet?

2. Where can we get information about the Internet?

Which one is right? Can we use 'Internet' without 'the'?

"the Internet" is the correct usage.

We say the Internet, when we use it as a noun.

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they have slightly different meanings.

1. "Where can we get information about Internet?" - This sentence suggests that you are asking for information about a specific aspect or concept related to the internet. For example, you might be asking about the history, development, or technology behind the internet.

2. "Where can we get information about the Internet?" - This sentence suggests that you are asking for general information about the internet as a whole. You are seeking knowledge about its functioning, uses, and any other relevant topics.

Both sentences are acceptable, but the second one is more commonly used when asking for general information about the internet.

Regarding the usage of "the" before "internet," it depends on the context. In general, when referring to a specific instance or aspect of the internet, we often do not use "the." However, when referring to the internet as a whole, it is common to use "the" before it. For example:

- "I need information about internet security" (specific aspect)
- "I need information about the internet" (as a whole)

So, you can indeed use "internet" without "the," but it depends on the specific context in which it is used.