what r the forms of er verbs

example : ParlER

je - parlE
tu -parlES
il/elle - parlE
on - parlE
nous - parlONS
vous - parlEZ
ils/elles - parlENT

* this is for present tense

Thank you both for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Bien fait, Sarah!

NOTE: the endings for je, il, elle, on are all alike. Drop the -er (infinitive) ending of any regular -er verb, and add these endings: e, es, e, ons, ez, ent.

NOTE also that there ordinarily 3 English translations for one form. Example: Je parle = I speak, I DO speak, I AM speakING.


The forms of -er verbs in the French language are:

1. Infinitive form: This is the base form of the verb and ends in -er. For example, "parler" (to speak), "manger" (to eat), "étudier" (to study).

2. Present tense forms:
- Je form: Add the ending -e. For example, "parle" (I speak), "mange" (I eat), "étudie" (I study).
- Tu form: Add the ending -es. For example, "parles" (you speak), "manges" (you eat), "étudies" (you study).
- Il/elle/on form: Add the ending -e. For example, "parle" (he/she/one speaks), "mange" (he/she/one eats), "étudie" (he/she/one studies).
- Nous form: Add the ending -ons. For example, "parlons" (we speak), "mangeons" (we eat), "étudions" (we study).
- Vous form: Add the ending -ez. For example, "parlez" (you speak), "mangez" (you eat), "étudiez" (you study).
- Ils/elles form: Add the ending -ent. For example, "parlent" (they speak), "mangent" (they eat), "étudient" (they study).

3. Past participle form: This is used to form compound tenses such as the passé composé. To form the past participle of -er verbs, remove the -er ending and add -é. For example, "parlé" (spoken), "mangé" (eaten), "étudié" (studied).

Remember that these are general rules, and there may be irregular verbs that do not follow these patterns. It is important to practice and study verb conjugations to become familiar with them.