In the 2008 World Book Encyclopedia what are the guide words on the page with Komodo dragon?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Your local library should h ave this set of encyclopedias. The librarian there will h elp you.


To get the answer to your question, you would need access to the physical 2008 World Book Encyclopedia or its digital version. The guide words in an encyclopedia are usually found at the top of each page and provide the first and last entry words on that specific page.

In this case, you would need to look for the page that contains the entry for "Komodo dragon" in the 2008 World Book Encyclopedia. Once you have located the page, you can observe the words listed at the top of the page. The guide word at the left side of the page indicates the first entry word on that page, while the guide word at the right side indicates the last entry word.

As an AI text-based assistant, I don't have access to specific publication editions like the 2008 World Book Encyclopedia. Therefore, I cannot provide you with the exact guide words on the page with the Komodo dragon entry.