Can someone please help me with this?

Use the set-builder notation to describe the solution.


{x„ x ?,?}

Thank you

To describe the solution to the inequality using set-builder notation, we need to find the values of x that satisfy the inequality.

Let's start by simplifying the equation:

3(3 - 8x) + 5x < 2(9 + 6x)

First, distribute the multiplication:

9 - 24x + 5x < 18 + 12x

Combine like terms:

-19x + 9 < 18 + 12x

Next, isolate the variable terms on one side of the inequality:

-19x - 12x < 18 - 9

-31x < 9

Now, divide both sides of the inequality by -31. Remember that when we divide or multiply an inequality by a negative number, we need to flip the direction of the inequality sign:

x > 9 / -31 (Remember to flip the inequality sign)

Simplifying the division:

x > -0.290322581 (rounded to a reasonable decimal place)

So, the solution to the inequality is x > -0.290322581.

In set-builder notation, we designate the solution as:

{x | x > -0.290322581}

This means that x belongs to the set of real numbers, and x is greater than -0.290322581.