I had to write a story about a bee, tell me what you think.

The bumble bee quietly buzzes from and flower to the next, working very hard. He soars above little children’s heads as they point up to the sky at him. The bumble bee goes to a quiet place to relax after all his hard work. After a while two boys come and annoy the bee. He tries to fly away but the boys get in the way. The bumble bee has no other choice; he aims his stinger in the boy’s finger. “Ow!” he shouts as he closely examines his finger. The boys run away as the bumble bee lays lifeless, dead on the ground.

Great irony! <G> Well, thought out.

Your story depicts an interesting sequence of events involving a hardworking bumblebee who faces a difficult situation with two boys. It highlights the consequences of their actions and the unfortunate end for the bee. Overall, it seems like a thought-provoking story with elements of conflict and consequence.