When a sentence is in passe compose, which has an auxiliary verb, and it also has an infinitive. Where does the direct or indirect pronoun go? Infront of the auxiliary verb or the infinitive?

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You need to decide if the object pronouns go with the infinitive or the passé composé.

I have no idea if you are the one I explained about the placement of object-pronouns or not. Let me see if I can find it.


P.S. Here is part of that explanation:

Personal object pronouns, direct and indirect, are placed immediately before the verbs of which they are the object (except in affirmative commands). In the affirmative imperative only , the object pronoun is placed directly after the verb and linked to it by a hyphen. The pronouns "me" and "te" change to "moi" and "toi" after the verb.

The verbs écouter (listen TO), regarder (look AT), chercher (look FOR), attendre (wait FOR), demander (ask FOR) and payer (pay FOR) take a direct object in French.

The verbs répondre (answer), obéir(obey) and désobéir (disobey) take an indirect object in French.

Reminder: Past participles of verbs conjugated with avoir and of reflexive verbs (with être) agree in gender and number with the preceding direct object (if there is on e).

Try SEARCH for French and eventually you'll find the posts having to do with object pronouns.

They come before the verb, EXCEPT in the affirmative imperative. The ORDER is:
te, le (l') lui
se > la (l') > leur > y > en VERB
nous les

Order after the verb, in Affirmative Imperative:
VERB -le -toi
-la > -lui > y > en
-les -nous

Simply MEMORIZE those 2 charts!

As mentioned in the earlier post, please post specific examples so I know exactly what you are referring to.


P.P.S. Perhaps you mean something like the following:

Il est allé lui téléphoner. = He went to phone him.

Je lui ai enseigné à le faire. = I taught him/her to do it.

Nous l'avons remercié de nous avoir aidés. = We thanked him/her for having helped us.


Yes, i meant like

Elle n'est pas allee chercher le journal.

Does "le" go infront of auxiliary verb-est, or infront of the infinitive-chercher?

Elle ne l'est pas allee chercher.
Elle n'est pas allee le chercher.

In French, when a sentence is in the passé composé and includes an auxiliary verb (either "avoir" or "être") along with an infinitive verb, the placement of the direct or indirect pronoun depends on whether the pronoun is attached directly to the auxiliary verb or to the infinitive verb.

1. When the pronoun is a direct object pronoun (e.g., me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les), it generally comes before the auxiliary verb.

J'ai mangé le gâteau. (I ate the cake.)
→ Je l'ai mangé. (I ate it.)

2. When the pronoun is an indirect object pronoun (e.g., me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur), it can either come before the auxiliary verb or be attached to the infinitive verb.

Elle a donné les fleurs à Pierre. (She gave the flowers to Pierre.)
→ Elle les lui a données.
→ Elle lui les a données. (She gave them to him.)

Note: When both direct and indirect object pronouns are present in a sentence, the indirect object pronoun comes before the direct object pronoun.

Je t'ai écrit une lettre. (I wrote you a letter.)
→ Je te l'ai écrite. (I wrote it to you.)

To determine the correct placement of the pronouns in a given sentence, it's important to remember the rules and consider the type of pronoun being used (direct or indirect) along with the verb structure (auxiliary verb or infinitive verb).