1. They work on Saturday mornings.

2. They work in the mornings.

Is the use of plural nouns, mornings, in the sentences above grammatical?

In (1) it is OK to use the plural "mornings" to distinguish the situation from working on one or a few Saturday mornings only.

In (2), use of the plural is ungrammatical and not advised. It would imply that they work every morning, with no holidays, weekends or vacations.

Yes, the use of the plural noun "mornings" in both sentences is grammatically correct. In sentence 1, "Saturday mornings" refers to the specific mornings of Saturdays, indicating that they work on multiple Saturdays. In sentence 2, "the mornings" refers to any mornings in general, suggesting that they work during multiple mornings, not necessarily limited to Saturdays. Plural nouns can be used in sentences to express multiple instances or a recurring pattern, which is the case here.