I am trying to find online materials such as old exams that I can use to prepare for my religion exam. I am looking for ones that are non-PDF, as my computer can't open PDF files.

Religion exams could cover hundreds of books -- depending upon the course.

What have you been studying? We may be able to help you if we know what the scope of your class has been.

Well, I'm studying 9th grade religion of Christianity... it covers materials like the Paschal Mystery, our identity as adolescents, and such.

If you need help learning how to search, including how to choose good search terms, go here and scroll down to the links under HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET:


To find online materials such as old exams for your religion exam that are non-PDF, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by using a search engine like Google or Bing. Enter relevant keywords such as "religion exam old exams" or "religion exam practice tests."
2. Browse through the search results to find websites or sources that offer non-PDF files. Look for file formats like Word documents (.docx), OpenDocument Text (.odt), or web pages (.html).
3. Additionally, you can narrow down your search results by specifying the file format using search operators. For example, you can include "filetype:docx" or "filetype:odt" in your search query.
4. Make use of educational platforms or online forums that may have shared past exams or practice tests in non-PDF formats. Websites like Quizlet, Course Hero, or Study.com often have study materials for various subjects, including religion.
5. Check with your school or college's official website. They might provide old exams, study guides, or sample questions in formats other than PDF, such as Word documents, to assist students in their preparations.
6. Consider reaching out to your teachers, classmates, or upperclassmen who may have access to non-PDF study materials or past exams. They could share files directly or guide you to relevant resources.

Remember, it's essential to ensure that you are accessing authorized study materials and not violating any copyright or academic honesty policies.