Does Charles Darwin have any supporters for his theory of evolution?

Of course he does. Most educated people, whether they are scientists or not, know that evolution exists.

yes, he does. most people that are educated know that evolution is real.

Do you mean today or in the mid 19C?

Yes, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is widely supported by the scientific community. The theory of evolution by natural selection, which Darwin proposed in his book "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, is considered one of the foundational principles in the field of biology.

To find supporters of Darwin's theory of evolution, you can look to scientific institutions, academic communities, and scientific literature. Many universities and research institutions have biologists and evolutionary scientists who adhere to and study Darwin's theory. You can search for scientific papers, books, and articles that discuss evolutionary biology and the evidence supporting Darwin's theory. Peer-reviewed scientific journals like "Nature," "Science," and "Evolution" are good places to find such literature. Additionally, attending scientific conferences and lectures in the field of biology can provide opportunities to interact with and learn from scientists who support Darwin's theory.

It's important to note that while there is a strong consensus among scientists regarding evolution and Darwin's theory, there are also some individuals and groups who may reject or challenge these ideas for various reasons. However, the overwhelming majority of experts in the scientific community accept and support Darwin's theory of evolution.