What are the form of er verds

This site will give you the conjugations.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. That is a very good site for forming the Present Indicative Tense for -er verbs. However, it will not tell you something about the translation. Take the verb parler in any form: je parle = I speak / I DO speak / I AM speakING. Note that there are 3 different English translations for most verb forms. That means that if you see ANY one of those English translations, they will all be said only one way in French.


The form of "er" verbs refers to how these verbs are conjugated in the present tense in Norwegian. To understand the form of "er" verbs, it's important to know that "er" is actually the infinitive form of the verb "å være" (to be).

In the present tense, "er" verbs take different forms depending on the subject pronoun. Here are the forms for the present tense conjugation of "er" verbs:

- Jeg er (I am)
- Du er (You are)
- Han er (He is)
- Hun er (She is)
- Det er (It is)
- Vi er (We are)
- Dere er (You are, plural/formal)
- De er (They are)

To use the correct form of an "er" verb, simply combine the appropriate subject pronoun with the verb "er." It's important to note that Norwegian verbs do not change their form based on gender or number, except for the third-person singular pronouns (han, hun, det) where "er" is used.

In order to learn the specific conjugation of any "er" verb, you need to identify the verb stem and then add "er" to it. For example, the verb "å snakke" (to speak) becomes "jeg snakker" (I speak), "du snakker" (you speak), "han snakker" (he speaks), and so on.

Remember, practice is key to mastering verb conjugations. By familiarizing yourself with the different subject pronouns and regularly using them with "er" verbs in sentences, you will gradually become more comfortable with their forms.