What elememts compose 95% of the body?

Check these percentages of elements in the human body.


To determine which elements compose 95% of the human body, we can refer to the periodic table. The human body primarily consists of six elements: oxygen (O), carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca), and phosphorous (P). However, these elements do not amount to exactly 95% of the body's composition.

To calculate the exact percentage, we need to consider the elemental composition of major biomolecules. For instance, proteins, which are a fundamental component of living organisms, contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and small amounts of sulfur. Carbohydrates also consist of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, while lipids (fats) are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen as well.

Water, which constitutes a significant portion of our bodies, comprises oxygen and hydrogen. Thus, the combination of these elements in proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and water make up the majority of the human body's composition.

It is important to note that the exact proportions of these elements can vary among individuals. However, on average, oxygen accounts for approximately 65% of the body's weight, carbon comprises around 18.5%, hydrogen makes up around 9.5%, and nitrogen constitutes roughly 3.2%. These four elements alone sum up to approximately 96.2% of the body.