how doyou find out abut prefixes it is so anoyying when i have to think twice and try to rember what my techer says at school in class and well can any one help me here thanks a million

You might print this chart of prefixes so that you can refer to it any time.

Millions before you have suffered through it and succeeded. No need to be annoyed. Make yourself flash cards, and in a few days you will have them memorized for life.

Of course, I can help you with prefixes!

1. Research: One way to find out about prefixes is to do some research on your own. You can search online for resources like grammar websites, educational videos, or interactive exercises that explain prefixes. This way, you can learn at your own pace and take your time to understand the concepts.

2. Textbooks or Workbooks: Consult your school or local library to find textbooks or workbooks that specifically cover prefixes. These resources often provide explanations, examples, and practice exercises to help you understand and remember prefixes.

3. Ask your teacher: If you are having trouble understanding prefixes, don't hesitate to ask your teacher for help. Your teacher can explain the concepts and provide additional examples to make it easier for you to grasp the idea of prefixes. Teachers are there to support you and guide you through your learning journey.

4. Study groups or tutoring: Collaborating with classmates or joining a study group can be beneficial for learning about prefixes. Working together, discussing the concepts, and quizzing each other can help reinforce your understanding. If you need more personalized assistance, you can consider seeking the help of a tutor who specializes in language arts or grammar.

Remember to practice regularly to reinforce your knowledge of prefixes. By using words with prefixes in your everyday conversations or writing exercises, you can improve your familiarity with them over time.