Can someone send me in the right dirction with this one?

Your supervisor has asked you to prepare an article for the next issue of The Siren, your department’s monthly e-zine. He wants you to focus on police use of force and when it is appropriate. Besides defining use of force in the context of police work, include information about the legal issues surrounding use of force by police, and provide an overview of at least one court case dealing with law enforcement use of force. Your supervisor wants the article to address proper training for good use of force decisions on the job. Using the Library to aid your research, prepare your article for submission to The Siren.

I recommend you follow your instructor's directions and use the library to aid your research.

You should be looking for police use of force. Your article should focus on:
* when force is appropriate
* legal issues about use of force
* cite at least one court case about use of force
* proper training of police about the use of force

This is from my class and if I see this in the classroom you will receive an automatic zero.


To prepare your article on police use of force, you will need to conduct thorough research using the Library. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you gather the necessary information and write a well-rounded article:

1. Define Use of Force in Police Work:
Start by understanding the concept of use of force in the context of police work. You can begin researching by looking for textbooks, articles, or reputable online sources that provide an overview of what constitutes use of force by police officers.

2. Legal Issues Surrounding Use of Force by Police:
Explore the legal aspects related to use of force by police officers. Look for information on relevant laws, policies, and guidelines that govern the use of force. Check legal databases available through the Library to find relevant court cases, legislation, and scholarly articles that discuss legal issues surrounding police use of force.

3. Overview of a Court Case on Law Enforcement Use of Force:
Identify at least one court case that deals with law enforcement use of force. This could involve high-profile cases that have set legal precedents or cases that resulted in significant policy changes. Begin your search by using legal databases like Westlaw or LexisNexis available through the Library's online resources. Look for cases that involve critical discussions and analysis of the use of force by police officers.

4. Proper Training for Good Use of Force Decisions:
Research and analyze the training methods and protocols that police officers undergo to make informed and appropriate use of force decisions on the job. Look for reputable sources such as training manuals, reports, or academic studies that discuss the importance of proper training and its impact on reducing excessive or unjustified use of force incidents.

5. Writing the Article:
Once you have gathered sufficient information through your research, you can start structuring your article. Begin with an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and its significance. Then, divide the article into sections covering the definition of use of force, legal issues, court case analysis, and training for good use of force decisions. Ensure that you cite your sources properly using a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, ensuring its credibility and relevance to your article. Use the Library's online resources such as academic databases, law journals, and legal databases to access authoritative sources. Take notes and organize your findings to create a clear and cohesive article that meets your supervisor's requirements.

With thorough research and careful analysis, you'll be able to write a comprehensive and informative article on police use of force for submission to The Siren.