In general, organisms that obtain their energy from sunlight are called ________.

Is is photosynthetic? If not, what would the answer be? Thanx!

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. When you wat to know the definition of a word, use a good dictionary! The Online Dictionary says:

Main Entry: pho·to·syn·the·sis
Pronunciation: -'sin(t)-th&-s&s
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1898
: synthesis of chemical compounds with the aid of radiant energy and especially light; especially : formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and a source of hydrogen (as water) in the chlorophyll-containing tissues of plants exposed to light
- pho·to·syn·the·size /-"sIz/ intransitive verb
- pho·to·syn·thet·ic /-sin-'the-tik/ adjective
- pho·to·syn·thet·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb

Yes, the organisms that obtain their energy from sunlight are called photosynthetic organisms.

To find the answer, you can start by breaking down the question and considering the keywords. In this case, the keyword is "organisms that obtain their energy from sunlight." This indicates that the question is related to a specific type of organism that relies on sunlight for energy.

Next, you can think about common terms associated with sunlight and energy. The process of converting sunlight into energy is called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, organisms such as plants, algae, and some bacteria use sunlight to synthesize organic compounds, typically in the form of glucose. These organisms are referred to as photosynthetic organisms.

So, in summary, the answer to the question is indeed photosynthetic organisms.