Simplify: 2x-(3x+8+2(3-5x))

I got 9x -14... is that right?


To simplify the given expression: 2x - (3x + 8 + 2(3 - 5x)), you need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS).

1. Start by simplifying the innermost expression within the parentheses.

Inside the parentheses, we have 3 - 5x. Let's expand the expression:

2x - (3x + 8 + 2(3 - 5x))
= 2x - (3x + 8 + 6 - 10x)
= 2x - (3x - 10x + 14)

Now, let's simplify further inside the parentheses:

= 2x - (13x + 14)

2. Next, remove the parentheses using the distributive property.

When we remove the parentheses around (13x + 14), we change the sign of each term inside the parentheses:

= 2x - 13x - 14

3. Now, combine the like terms.

Combine the x terms: 2x - 13x = -11x.

So the final simplified expression is:

-11x - 14

Therefore, your answer of 9x - 14 is incorrect. The correct answer is -11x - 14.