A septic tank is 10 feet long by 8 feet wide by 3.5 feet deep. What is the capacity of the tank in gallons?

I did V= L*W*H

and got 280 gallons is this right


To find the capacity of a septic tank in gallons, you need to convert the dimensions from feet to gallons. Here's how you can do that:

Step 1: Calculate the volume of the tank in cubic feet.
Volume (V) = length (L) * width (W) * height (H)
V = 10 ft * 8 ft * 3.5 ft
V = 280 cubic feet

Step 2: Convert cubic feet to gallons.
1 cubic foot is approximately equal to 7.48052 gallons.
To convert cubic feet to gallons, multiply the volume by the conversion factor:
Volume (in gallons) = V in cubic feet * 7.48052
Volume (in gallons) = 280 ft³ * 7.48052
Volume (in gallons) = 2,090.14 gallons

So the capacity of the septic tank is approximately 2,090.14 gallons, which means your calculation of 280 gallons is not correct.