Please look at the following statement would you agree that this statement is vague.

Housing juveniles with adults would not be harmful.

Yes. It's very vague. Housing juveniles with adults is part of normal family living. If the reference is to the prison system, the statement doesn't specify the ages or offenses of the inmates.

Further more than just vague, that statement is fallacious.

Would this statement be a misplace burden of proof.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can help analyze the statement for you.

The statement "Housing juveniles with adults would not be harmful" can be considered vague because it lacks specific details and context. To determine if this statement is vague, it's important to consider the following points:

1. Lack of clarity: The statement does not define what is meant by "juveniles" (e.g., age range, legal definition), "adults" (e.g., age range, gender), or "harmful" (e.g., physical, emotional, psychological impact). Without clear definitions, it is difficult to fully understand the statement.

2. Absence of context: The statement does not provide any context or background information about the situation being discussed. This makes it challenging to evaluate the validity or relevance of the claim.

To avoid vagueness and promote clearer communication, it is helpful to provide specific details, define key terms, and provide context when discussing such statements.