I know i posted this already but no One really answered

how would you say "the wire through which the electric current flows." wouold it be,

Le fils ca le courant electrique couler a travers.

Load(as in electricity): A device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy.

is it, "Charge: un appareil ca transformer l'energie electrique dans les autres formes d'energie.

Switch: a device that can turn the circuit on or off by closing or opening the cicuit.

is it, "Bouton: un appareil ca peut tourner le circuit allume ou fermer par fermer ou inaugurer le circuit

I got the english from the BC science 9 textbook. Please help me!

By the way the question was "Quels sont les 4 elements de base de tous les circuits? Decrivez le role de chaque element.

(What are the 4 base elements of all the circuits? write(show) the role of each element).

the answers i got were Source, Conductor, Load, and Switch.



Don't bother answereing this, i've got the answer already. If you're answering it, thn for trying! =)

yeah, i saw it a bit later XD

To translate the phrase "the wire through which the electric current flows" into French, you can say "le fil à travers duquel le courant électrique passe." Here's how to break it down:

- The word "wire" can be translated as "fil" in French.
- "Through which" can be translated as "à travers duquel" in this context.
- "The electric current flows" can be translated as "le courant électrique passe."

So, the whole phrase becomes "le fil à travers duquel le courant électrique passe."

Now, let's address the translations of the other terms you mentioned:

1. "Load": In French, it can be translated as "charge" (not "Charge"). So the correct translation would be "Charge: un appareil qui transforme l'énergie électrique en d'autres formes d'énergie."

2. "Switch": In French, it can be translated as "interrupteur" or "commutateur." So the correct translation would be "Interrupteur: un appareil qui peut allumer ou éteindre le circuit en fermant ou ouvrant le circuit."

Regarding the question about the four base elements of all circuits:

- Source (Source): It is the provider of the electrical energy in a circuit.
- Conductor (Conducteur): It is the material through which the electric current flows.
- Load (Charge): It is a device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy.
- Switch (Interrupteur/Commutateur): It is a device that can turn the circuit on or off by closing or opening the circuit.

So, the translation of the question would be: "Quels sont les 4 éléments de base de tous les circuits ? Décrivez le rôle de chaque élément."