after the first battle of bull run president lincoln appointed george mcclellan to lead the union army of the east

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Correct! After the first Battle of Bull Run, which took place on July 21, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln appointed George B. McClellan to lead the Union Army of the East. McClellan's appointment came as a result of his success in organizing and training the troops in the early stages of the Civil War.

To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for "first Battle of Bull Run" or "first Battle of Manassas."
2. Look for reliable sources such as history books, official government websites, or reputable educational websites.
3. Read about the outcome of the battle and its significance.
4. After understanding the battle's impact, search for information about President Lincoln's response to the Union defeat.
5. Look for sources that discuss President Lincoln's decision to appoint George McClellan.
6. Analyze multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding of the events and circumstances surrounding McClellan's appointment.

Remember, it is essential to consult reliable sources and cross-reference information to ensure accuracy.