the Constitutional convention, which plan contained the idea of what would eventualy become the supremacy clause?

The plan that contained the idea of what would eventually become the supremacy clause at the Constitutional Convention was known as the Virginia Plan. To understand this, let's go through the process of figuring it out step by step:

1. Start by researching the different plans proposed at the Constitutional Convention. It is important to understand the various proposals put forward by the delegates.

2. Look into the Virginia Plan, which was presented by the Virginia delegation and proposed a strong central government with a bicameral legislature. The plan was drafted by James Madison and introduced by Edmund Randolph.

3. In the Virginia Plan, there is a provision that implies the supremacy of national laws over state laws. This concept becomes the basis for the supremacy clause.

4. To confirm this information, refer to primary sources such as the records of the Constitutional Convention. These primary sources could include attendees' notes, debates, or the official records kept during the convention. These documents provide valuable insights into the discussions and proposals made by the delegates.

5. Analyze the wording, context, and discussions related to the provision in the Virginia Plan that suggests the concept of national supremacy. This will help to solidify your understanding and establish a direct connection between the Virginia Plan and the eventual inclusion of the supremacy clause in the Constitution.

By following these steps, you will be able to research and understand how the idea of the supremacy clause evolved from the Virginia Plan proposed at the Constitutional Convention.