what is a function rule?

A function rule is a mathematical expression that defines the relationship between two variables, typically denoted as x and y. It tells you how to calculate the value of y based on the value of x. In other words, it describes how the input (x) is transformed into the output (y).

To understand a function rule, you need to know the specific formula or equation used to relate the variables. There are various types of function rules, such as linear functions, quadratic functions, exponential functions, and more. Each type has its own unique formula.

To determine the function rule for a given relationship, you typically need some information about the relationship between the variables. This could be in the form of a table, a graph, or a verbal description. Once you have the necessary data, you can analyze it and find patterns to identify the mathematical expression that represents the relationship.

For example, let's say you have a table of values showing the relationship between x and y. By observing the values and looking for any consistent patterns or trends, you can often find the function rule. You might notice that every time x increases by 3, y increases by 7. From this pattern, you can determine that the function rule is y = 7x/3.

In summary, a function rule is a mathematical expression that explains how one variable is related to another. To find the function rule, you need to analyze the relationship between the variables using given data and identify the pattern or formula that represents that relationship.