a good title for a dragon

What dya mean?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Well, there was a cute bearded dragon named Beardie. There is the Japanese anime: Ikkitosen Dragon Destiny.

You need to decide from which country is this myth. Dragon seems very Chinese so you might want a Chinese name. In order to help you better, we'd need to know more about the myth itself.

Dragons were also part of the English mythology...St. George and the Dragon, The dragons in the Hobbit. etc.

To find a good title for a dragon, you can consider the characteristics and qualities associated with dragons. Here are a few ideas:

1. "Flamescale" - This title emphasizes the dragon's fiery nature and impenetrable scales.
2. "Wyvernheart" - It highlights the dragon's strength, courage, and relentless spirit.
3. "Serpentfire" - A title that combines the serpent-like appearance of dragons with their ability to breathe fire.
4. "Voidwing" - Suggestive of a dragon dwelling in the depths of darkness and possessing mysterious powers.
5. "Stormrider" - Conveying the dragon's ability to command and harness the power of storms.

Ultimately, the best title for a dragon may depend on the characteristics, story, or context in which the dragon exists. Hence, it's essential to consider the dragon's attributes and the intended purpose or narrative surrounding it.