I have to simplify 7ab to the power of -2 over 3w. How do I do this?

(7 ab)^-2 / 3w

= (1/49)(1/3)*(1/(a^2 b^2 w)
= [1/(147a^2b^2 w)]

That isn't really any simpler, but maybe it is what they are looking for.

simplified expression -2a^2b+a^2-5ab+3ab^2-b^2+2(a^2b+2ab

To simplify the expression (7ab)^-2/3w, we'll follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the numerator
Raise the expression (7ab) to the power of -2. This means we need to take the reciprocal (inverse) and square it.

Reciprocal: (7ab)^-2 = 1 / (7ab)^2 = 1 / (49a^2b^2)

Step 2: Simplify the denominator
The denominator is 3w. There isn't much we can do to simplify it further, so we can leave it as is.

Step 3: Combine the numerator and denominator
Now that we have the simplified numerator and denominator, we can write the expression as:

(1 / (49a^2b^2)) / (3w)

To make the division easier, we can multiply the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator:

1 / (49a^2b^2) * (1 / (3w))

Finally, multiply the numerators and the denominators together:

1 * 1 / (49a^2b^2 * 3w)

Simplifying the expression further is not possible without additional information or specifications. So, the final simplified form is:

1 / (147a^2b^2w)