how i make a poster on social evil

what is sublimation?

Social evil: Hunger; war; homelessness

Sublimation: change of state from vapor to solid directly, or vice versa.

Typically social evils are those that go against the norms of a particular society — especially criminal behavior. The seven deadly sins are another definition of evil (see (Broken Link Removed)

However, good and evil are socially defined and may vary from culture to culture (see

Psychologically, sublimation is expressing a socially unapproved motive/desire in a socially approved way — such as expressing aggression via breakdancing or sexual deires via writing poetry.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

Creating a powerful poster on social evils requires careful planning and consideration. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can make an impactful poster to raise awareness about social issues:

1. Define the social evil: Choose a specific social evil or issue you want to address in your poster. It could be anything from poverty, inequality, child labor, domestic violence, or discrimination.

2. Research: Conduct thorough research about the chosen topic. Understand its root causes, consequences, statistics, and relevant facts. This knowledge will help you create a well-informed and compelling poster.

3. Identify the key message: Determine the key message or slogan you want to convey through your poster. It should be concise, impactful, and aligned with your objective of raising awareness about the social evil.

4. Visualize the concept: Think about the imagery and visual elements that will best represent your message. Consider using symbols, metaphors, or powerful visuals that evoke emotions and grab attention. For example, if addressing poverty, you might depict hands reaching out for help or an unequal distribution of resources.

5. Use compelling graphics: Choose appropriate colors, fonts, and design elements that align with your message and target audience. Use bold and legible fonts for the text to ensure clarity.

6. Incorporate statistics and facts: Integrate compelling statistics or facts related to the social evil you are addressing. This will strengthen your poster by providing evidence and making it more informative.

7. Add a call to action: Encourage viewers to take action by including a call to action on your poster. It could be a website link, a campaign hashtag, or contact information for organizations working on the issue. This way, people interested in making a difference can easily get involved.

8. Seek feedback: Before finalizing your poster, share it with a few trusted individuals and ask for their feedback. Consider their suggestions and make necessary improvements to enhance the overall impact.

9. Spread the message: Once your poster is ready, distribute it across social media platforms, community centers, schools, and public places. Share it with like-minded individuals, non-profit organizations, or local authorities who can help amplify its reach.

Remember, the purpose of your poster is to raise awareness and inspire action, so ensure it captures attention, communicates the issue clearly, and motivates people to make a positive change in society.