I am writing a roport on this novel and need some help determining the main charaters in the story.

so has any one read this novel?

I haven't read this, but some of the articles in here might help:


Is this the same legendary crime author who wrote the Godfather and the Last Don?

To determine the main characters in a novel, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the novel: If you haven't read the novel, you can start by reading it or referring to a reliable summary to gain a comprehensive understanding of the story.

2. Identify recurring characters: Look for characters who appear consistently throughout the novel and play significant roles in advancing the plot. These characters are more likely to be the main characters.

3. Pay attention to character development: Analyze how certain characters evolve throughout the story. Main characters often undergo significant changes or face various conflicts that drive the narrative forward.

4. Look for character prominence: Consider characters who are prominently featured or have their perspectives explored in-depth. These characters are typically the primary focus of the story.

5. Consult reliable sources: If you're still unsure about the main characters, you can search for analysis, reviews, or character lists from reputable sources such as literary criticism, scholarly articles, or trusted book reviewers.

Remember, interpretations of the main characters can sometimes differ, depending on readers' perspectives. It's vital to support your selection of main characters with evidence and analysis from the text.