Identify the thesis statement in the article AIDS in Africa: Dying by the numbers. What strategies does the author use to formulate his argument? What makes the argument so compelling?


The pathetic and alarming need for education of HIV/AIDS in Africa is overwhelming and the great need is to protect and educate people to reduce the disease.
What strategies does the author use to formulate his argument? What makes the argument so compelling?

The author uses his wisdom to research statistics that are so compelling; the world has to take notice. The argument is so compelling because these statistics will move the mankind to take action. If this is accomplished the world would have made major strides in eliminating HIV/AIDS. If not, the world is on its own and that is the seriousness of the situation.

Without reading the article, I assume your thesis is right.

Your answer for the second part looks good --

except -- omit "the" before "mankind"
-- omit the last sentence.

To identify the thesis statement in the article "AIDS in Africa: Dying by the Numbers," you can look for a clear and concise statement that summarizes the main argument or point of the article. In this case, the thesis statement could be: "The pathetic and alarming need for education of HIV/AIDS in Africa is overwhelming and the great need is to protect and educate people to reduce the disease."

The author formulates his argument by utilizing statistics and research to present a compelling case. By presenting data and evidence, the author shows the severity of the situation and highlights the urgent need for action. This use of statistics and research lends credibility to the argument, making it more persuasive and compelling.

What makes the argument compelling is the author's ability to paint a vivid picture of the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS in Africa. The use of alarming statistics and the portrayal of the desperate need for education and protection creates an emotional appeal that appeals to the reader's sense of compassion and urgency. By emphasizing the importance of taking action, the argument becomes more compelling and motivates readers to engage with the issue.