ex) How nice of you to say so!

Whatis the part of speech of 'so' in the sentence? Is is an adverb or a pronoun?

It looks like an adverb, but it is acting like a pronoun. In that sentence, "so" is referring to whatever the other speaker has already said.

I'd say it's more of a pronoun than and adverb.


To determine the part of speech of the word "so" in the sentence "How nice of you to say so!", we can analyze its usage and function.

In this context, "so" is being used as a pronoun. It refers back to something mentioned earlier in the conversation or implied by the speaker. Here, "so" is standing in for an entire clause or statement, which the speaker expects the listener to understand without repeating.

If the word "so" were functioning as an adverb, it would typically modify a verb, adjective, or other adverb to provide more information about the manner, degree, place, time, or reason of the action or state.

Now, to confirm this analysis, one can consult a reliable dictionary or grammar resource, such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary, to see the different definitions, functions, and examples of "so" as a pronoun or adverb.