I am writing an essay and our teacher would like for us to include opinions given by other people.

How should colleges manage their athletic programs in relation to their academic goals?

Your opinions are greatly appreciated!!

Personally, I don't think colleges should do away with athletic programs. I think they serve a valuable purpose. They cost money, of course, and colleges need money for academic programs, but I think cutting athletics out of the picture is too severe. Neither do I think athletics is a do all and cure all. Most athletic programs subsist on money from ticket sales, donations from private donors, and some state money (for state schools that is). I know of only one athletic program in the country that pays for itself but there may be more since I don't keep with that kind of thing. You're question is a little broad so we could talk about "managing", whatever that means, all night. I hope this helps.

yes it does whats your opinion on grade raising for star student athletes

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Athletic programs definitely have their importance. It would be a mistake to eliminate them. Many high schools have cut athletics because of budget cuts and the students themselves have to bear the brunt of that = by purchasing a lot of the equipment. That is fair if they continue that sport and retain the equipment they have purchased.

It's very difficult to find a "balance" in life but that doesn't mean we should not try!


No, of course not. Athletes should be graded on the same basis as other students.

I think it's foolish that any educational institution, be it middle school, high school, or college should give up its athletic programming, regardless of what the state or governmental officials think. Athletics are a very necessary commodity in the schools because it teaches teamwork, and camaraderie, two very important issues if you are trying to make it in the business world.

As for how they should manage the athletics with the academics, the athletes should be graded just as fairly as the rest of the students. If they (the athletes)are not making the grade, they should be cut from the team until they bring up their grade. There isn't any sense in cutting out a whole athletic program because of finances, because athletics is a necessity.

I'm also writing a research paper on the same topic and I'm finding it difficult to find sources. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can guide you on how to gather opinions from other people on the topic of how colleges should manage their athletic programs in relation to their academic goals.

1. Conduct interviews: Reach out to college administrators, professors, athletic directors, coaches, student-athletes, and other relevant individuals who can provide insights. Prepare a set of questions related to the topic and record their responses.

2. Surveys and questionnaires: Create an online survey or questionnaire using platforms like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey. Share it with students, faculty, and alumni to gather their opinions. Ensure that the questions are open-ended to encourage thoughtful responses.

3. Research studies and articles: Look for academic studies, research papers, and articles related to college athletic programs and their impact on academic goals. These sources often present various perspectives and opinions from scholars and experts in the field.

4. Online forums and social media: Join online forums or groups that focus on college sports or education. Engage in discussions, ask specific questions related to your essay topic, and gather opinions from a diverse range of individuals who participate in these communities.

5. Expert interviews: If you want opinions from renowned experts in the field, try contacting professors, authors, or researchers who have published work on the subject. Email or request interviews with them to discuss their views on how colleges should manage their athletic programs in relation to academic goals.

Remember to respect individuals' opinions and present them accurately in your essay, providing proper attribution and citations. Incorporating a variety of perspectives will enhance the depth and credibility of your work.