how do i phrase a thesis statement about the background events that are occuring during the novel the lord of the flies?


Abby or Monica or whoever,

Read through the links already given. Then come up with a rough draft of a thesis statment, and someone here will be able to help you.

Keep in mind that we are not here to do your work for you, but to help you learn how to do your own assignments.

I know thesis statements can be gut-wrenching, but it must start with what YOU want to prove in your paper and what YOU think about that topic.

They said I need to narrow down the thesis statment - here is the statement - How the war,economy and the health reform is affecting the country today, how about 'the affects of lives from health reform and economy'?

To phrase a thesis statement about the background events occurring during the novel "Lord of the Flies," you should consider the key background events you want to discuss and the main point you want to make. A good thesis statement should provide a clear argument or claim about the background events and their significance. Here's an example of how you could phrase it:

"In William Golding's novel 'Lord of the Flies,' the background events, such as the outbreak of World War II, the boys' abandonment on the island, and their struggle for power, serve as a backdrop to highlight the innate savagery that can arise in human nature when removed from the constraints of society."

To develop your thesis statement, follow these steps:

1. Read and comprehend the novel: Familiarize yourself with the key background events that occur during the story, such as the war, the boys' isolated situation, and the power struggle between the characters.

2. Identify the themes or ideas related to the background events: Consider what the author might be suggesting about human nature, civilization, power, or other themes through these events. Think about how they shape the characters and the overall story.

3. Determine the main point you want to make: Decide what argument or claim you want to convey about the background events. Remember that a thesis statement should be specific, arguable, and concise.

4. Use clear and precise language: Craft a statement that clearly addresses the background events and presents your viewpoint. Ensure that it reflects the main ideas you will discuss in your essay or analysis.

Remember, this is just a starting point for your thesis statement. It should guide your essay and be supported by evidence and analysis from the novel.