I was trying to find information on what differnt numbering filing systems mean such as ....

serial unit and unit number etc I can't find any thing thanks of the help

To understand different numbering filing systems, it's important to have a general understanding of how they work and the terminology involved. Here are explanations for the terms you mentioned:

1. Serial Unit: A serial unit is a way to classify and arrange documents based on a continuous numerical sequence. It assigns a unique number to each document in the order they are received or created. The serial unit can be a single number or a combination of numbers and letters.

To find more information on serial units and their usage in specific industries or organizations, you can try the following steps:
- Search for "serial unit filing system" on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
- Visit websites that provide resources on document management and filing systems.
- Check online forums or communities where professionals in your industry discuss file organization methods.

2. Unit Number: The term "unit number" is more general and can have different meanings depending on the context. It may refer to an identification number assigned to a specific item, object, or entity within a system.

To find information about unit numbers, follow these steps:
- Narrow down your search by including any additional information related to the specific type of unit number you are looking for (e.g., "unit number in construction," "unit number in inventory management," etc.).
- Utilize search engines to find articles, guides, or research papers that explain the concept of unit numbers.
- Consider searching in academic databases and libraries for scholarly articles or books that delve deeper into the topic.

Remember, searching with more specific terms relevant to your context will yield better results. Additionally, exploring resources related to the specific field or industry where these filing systems are used can provide more targeted information.