If U-238 splits into two even pieces, and each piece emits an alpha particle, what elements are produced?

alpha particle = 2 protons , 2 neutrons

U238 has
92 protons
146 neutrons
divide in half
46 protons
73 neutrons
subtract 2 of each
44 protons = Ru = Ruthenium
71 neutrons, unlikely isotope of Ru, which generally would have about 57 neutrons

To determine the elements produced when U-238 splits into two even pieces and emits an alpha particle, we need to understand the process of nuclear decay.

Uranium-238 (U-238) is a radioactive isotope that undergoes a process called alpha decay. In alpha decay, an alpha particle (which consists of two protons and two neutrons) is emitted from the atomic nucleus.

When U-238 undergoes alpha decay, it transforms into a new element by losing an alpha particle. This means that the atomic number of the new element is two less than that of U-238. Since U-238 has an atomic number of 92 (92 protons), the new element will have an atomic number of 92 - 2 = 90.

The element with atomic number 90 is thorium (Th). Therefore, when U-238 splits into two even pieces and each piece emits an alpha particle, the elements produced are two even-sized pieces of thorium (Th).