Hi there! I have totally got to find out how the Aussie Law is similar to the US law. Anyway I DO like know that like Oz follows England law mainly but that isn't what I need.

Bushells of Thanks

Hello Minnie! I can definitely help you understand how Australian law and US law are similar. While Australia's legal system is rooted in English common law, it has evolved into a unique system over time. Here's how you can go about exploring the similarities between Australian and US law:

1. Research the Sources of Law: Start by looking into the primary sources of law in both countries. These include legislation, case law, and constitutional law. In Australia, legislative acts are passed by the federal and state governments, while US federal laws are enacted by Congress and state laws by state legislatures. Additionally, court decisions play a significant role in shaping the law in both jurisdictions.

2. Compare Legal Principles: Identify key legal principles shared by Australia and the US. For example, both countries adhere to the rule of law, which ensures equal treatment under the law, protection of individual rights, and the independence of the judiciary. Other common principles include due process, the presumption of innocence, and the right to a fair trial.

3. Examine Constitutional Frameworks: Compare the constitutional frameworks of Australia and the US. Australia has a federal system with a written constitution, just like the United States. Both countries have a separation of powers, with three branches of government – legislative, executive, and judicial – designed to provide checks and balances.

4. Analyze Legal Institutions: Explore the similarities in legal institutions between Australia and the US. Both countries have a hierarchical court system, with a Supreme Court at the top level. While the US has a dual court structure with federal and state courts, Australia has a single integrated system.

5. Study Specific Areas of Law: To understand the similarities in more depth, examine specific areas of law such as contract law, tort law, criminal law, and constitutional law. Compare the legal principles, concepts, and precedents in these areas to find commonalities.

Remember that laws can differ in each jurisdiction due to historical, cultural, and political factors. While there may be similarities between Australian and US law, it's essential to recognize their distinct legal systems as well.

I hope this guide helps you in your research! If you have any more specific questions, feel free to ask.