Hi, I'm trying to graph the equation "y=3x" on my graphing calculator BUT the "x" is in exponential form-aka small and up to the right of the 3. How do I graph it?

I know that you go to "y=" and then I typed a 3, but how do I get that little x?
Thanks very much

That would depend on your calculator, but you may have a "^" button for raising a base to a power.

please and thanks

Do you still an operations guide or a user's manual for your calculator? What type of calculator do you have? What class is this for? You are responsible for learning how to work your own either by looking it up or asking somebody who would know. However, if you want an on paper idea of what the screen would look like, then just plug and chug in order to plot points. If x=0, then y=0. If x=+1, then y=+1. If x=-1, then y=-1. A good window screen size would be from -3 up to +3 on each axis in increments of 1 unit. The resulting shape would feature a line going up in the upper right quadrant box and another line going down in the lower left quadrant box. Honestly, I did not remember seriously considering this in intense detail until college level pre-calculus.

To graph the equation "y=3x" with the "x" exponentiated, you would need to use the caret (^) symbol on your graphing calculator to indicate the exponent. Here's how you can do it:

1. Power on your graphing calculator and navigate to the y= screen.
2. Enter the equation "y=" by pressing the corresponding button.
3. Type "3x" but to indicate the exponent, enter the caret symbol (^) usually found above the divide symbol (/) on the calculator keypad.
4. Now, to enter the exponent of x, you can use the arrow keys or any number immediately after the caret symbol.
5. Move the cursor to the right of the 3 and press the caret key (^). This will allow you to enter the exponent for x.
6. Enter the desired exponent value after the caret.
For example, if you want to graph "y=3x^2", you would enter "3x^2" into the equation.
If your exponent is too large to fit on the screen, you can use parentheses to indicate the exponent, like this: "3x^(2)".
7. Once you have entered the equation correctly, press the "Enter" or "Graph" button to plot the graph.

Make sure to check your graphing calculator's manual or guide for specific instructions on entering exponents or using the caret symbol, as the exact steps may vary depending on the model of your calculator.