I need to recite this poem in front of the class and i have to add at least three more lines to it. does anyone have any suggestions?

Math is the thick red book,
Sitting there, waiting for you to open it,
Just waiting for your sigh.
Math is working two times harder,
Then any other classes,
Just to get at least a B.
You stress over math,
Hurrying to get your grade up,
And get all the other homework done too.
Math is the hours and hours
Of homework each and every night,
Even though we know its just busy work.
Math stares at you, mocking you
As if it knows you will never understand it.
Math has the teachers, who just don’t care,
They sit there, voices monotone,
Our confused faces reflecting off their glasses.

I'd change all those "you" words to some form of "I" -- and then the "our" in the last line will make sense.

Line 5 should read "Than in any other classes,"

How about the last three lines about grades? Maybe you surprised yourself and got a good quiz or test grade? It would be good to end the poem on a personal positive.

There are 3 red paper clips, 5 yellow paper clips, and 6 silver paper clips in a jar. What is the ratio of the total number of paper clips to the number of red paper clips?

A. 14:3
B. 11:3
C. 3:14
D. 3:11

The total number of paper clips is 3 + 5 + 6 = 14. The ratio of the total number of paper clips to the number of red paper clips is 14:3. Therefore, the answer is A. 14:3.

Which of the following ratios is equivalent to


A. 200 to 150
B. 3:5
C. 5/4
D. 45 to 60

To find if a ratio is equivalent, we divide both parts by the same number and simplify if possible. In this case, we can divide both 15 and 20 by 5.

15 Γ· 5 = 3
20 Γ· 5 = 4

So the equivalent ratio that simplifies to 15/20 is 3/4.

Comparing to the answer choices, we can see that the correct answer is B. 3:5.

An airplane travels 226 miles in 2 hours. At that rate, how far will the airplane travel in 8 hours?

A. 56.5 miles
B. 904 miles
C. 1,356 miles
D. 1,808 miles

To solve the problem, we can use the formula:

rate = distance Γ· time

We know the rate of the airplane is:

226 miles Γ· 2 hours = 113 miles per hour

To find how far the airplane would travel in 8 hours, we can use the formula in reverse:

distance = rate Γ— time

distance = 113 miles/hour Γ— 8 hours = 904 miles

Therefore, the airplane will travel 904 miles in 8 hours. The answer is B. 904 miles.

22 gallons of gas cost $65.56. What is the unit rate for I gallon of gas?

A. $298 per gallon
B. $3.28 per gallon
C. $3.08 per gallon
D. $2.98 per gallon

To find the unit rate for 1 gallon of gas, we need to divide the total cost by the number of gallons:

unit rate = total cost Γ· number of gallons

unit rate = $65.56 Γ· 22 gallons

unit rate = $2.98 per gallon

Therefore, the unit rate for 1 gallon of gas is $2.98 per gallon. The answer is D. $2.98 per gallon.

If the unit price for watermelon is $0.24 per pound and Jared pays $1.68 for a watermelon, how many pounds does his watermelon weigh?

A. 6 pounds
B. 7 pounds
C. 8 pounds
D. 4 pounds