
By the time people reach young adulthood, they have an idea of what causes them stress. The text discusses several sources of stress. What sources of stress did the text identify of which you were previously unaware? Has your reading helped you identify any new sources of stress? If so, how could you deal with these?

Stress is a stimulus that totally affects your whole body and your mind. Stress is caused primarily by personal problems, financial problems, family members etc. Stress is not easily confronted, either by prescription or psychiatric treatment. Human beings in general, encounter stress throughout their life. In essence, stress can be related to a number of personal issues such as impatience, competitiveness and anger. The reasons and the causes of stress can usually be arranged into different categories such as physical, mental and social.

After reading several sources of stress discussed in the text, I came to the conclusion that the type A behavior is one of the sources of stress that I was previously unaware. So far, this reading has helped me identify new sources of stress such as irrational beliefs and type A behavior.

When completing the reading, I was moved to do further research into this subject. I have concluded that stress unlike other diseases of the mind is pervasive and strike human beings who are totally unaware of its effect. This further reading is so astounding that the general public throughout the world is not aware that they suffer stress. Dealing with stress requires professional treatment and nothing else. Also, the only way to minimize stress is to be religiously calm like the Buddhist Monks for example. Life is full of various degrees of stress. The only way to have no stress is to be dead. We need some stress in our lives to survive. However, the concern in most psychology texts is excessive stress.

How could you deal with new sources of stress?

Your article is much improved. However, some of your "only" statements are untrue. There are many ways of dealing with stress, some more effective than others. Thus the statements related to professionals and monks would be better described as ways to deal with stress rather than "only" ways or "nothing else."

Here are some of my lecture notes about dealing/coping with stress, whether it is new or not.

There are two types of coping — emotional-focused (avoidant) and problem-solving (active). Both can occur together.

Problem-solving coping is doing something constructive about the situation — seeking information, planning (including assessing resources), taking positive action or trying to get help from others. It is more effective with situations that can be changed. (Of course, you cannot tell which situations can be changed, unless you make serious attempts to change them.)

Emotion-focused coping can involve positive reinterpretation of the situation, acceptance, or disengagement by turning to religion or the use of alcohol, drugs or food. More appropriate for conditions that cannot be changed. However, sometimes it makes situations worse.

In my lecture, I add many more details. For example, religion can be positive, if you use your belief to give you the strength to deal with the stressful situation. However, some people assume that all they need to do is wait, and whatever deity they believe in will solve their problem.

The outlooks of those who have hardy personalities (see my article, are more effective in dealing with stress.

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To identify new sources of stress and deal with them, it is important to gain self-awareness and analyze your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Here are some steps to help you:

1. Reflect on personal experiences: Take time to reflect on your own experiences and identify any recurring patterns of stress. Consider situations, relationships, or circumstances that consistently cause you stress.

2. Educate yourself: Read books, articles, or research papers on stress management to learn about different sources of stress that may be relevant to your life. The text you mentioned is a good starting point, but expanding your knowledge can help you identify new sources of stress.

3. Seek feedback from others: Talk to friends, family, or mentors about the sources of stress they have encountered in their lives. Sharing experiences can help you gain new perspectives and insights.

4. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection: Regularly take time for mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, to observe your thoughts and emotions. This can help you identify new sources of stress that you may not have been consciously aware of.

5. Seek professional help: If you are struggling to identify or cope with new sources of stress, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can help you explore and address the underlying causes of stress in a safe and supportive environment.

6. Develop stress management strategies: Once you have identified new sources of stress, brainstorm and develop strategies to cope with them. This may include setting boundaries, improving communication skills, seeking social support, or practicing relaxation techniques such as exercise or hobbies.

Remember, managing stress is a lifelong process, and it requires continuous self-reflection and adaptation. Do not hesitate to reach out for support and take proactive steps toward managing stress in a healthy way.