why does music around the world impact cultures so differently?

changes peoples worldview

I don't think this is a question with textbook answer. It's an opinion. So here's mine:

I think you have to look at it both ways. World music reflects the culture of the region where it originates. It is normal to the people who live there because it is familiar. When a Westerner hears Eastern music for the first time, it can change his or her world view, as Mel said, because it is completely different from what he is used to hearing. It opens your eyes to one aspect of a new culture and leads to interest and understanding of that society as a whole.

Music impacts cultures differently around the world due to a variety of factors, including historical, social, and geographical influences. Here's how you can understand this phenomenon:

1. Historical Factors: Music is shaped by a culture's history and traditions. Different regions have unique historical events and developments that influence their musical styles. For example, the traditional music of India, called Hindustani classical music, has strong roots in ancient scriptures and a rich history of musical treatises and compositions.

2. Social Factors: Social values, customs, and beliefs greatly influence music. Different societies have distinct cultural practices and norms that shape the musical expressions of their communities. For instance, traditional Japanese music reflects the values of harmony, simplicity, and respect for nature, which are deeply embedded in Japanese society.

3. Geographical Factors: The environment and geography of a region can also impact its music. For instance, music from the Caribbean, such as reggae and calypso, often incorporates rhythmic patterns inspired by natural elements like ocean waves or the sound of rain. Geography can also foster unique musical instruments and techniques, such as the use of bagpipes in Scottish music, which developed due to the local availability of specific resources.

4. Cultural Exchange: Over time, cultures have interacted and influenced each other, leading to the cross-pollination of musical styles. Migration, trade, and colonization have played significant roles in spreading music worldwide. For example, African musical traditions influenced various genres globally, including jazz, blues, and hip-hop, through the African diaspora and transatlantic slave trade.

By considering these factors, we can understand why music impacts cultures differently worldwide. Exploring the history, social values, geography, and cultural exchange of a region can provide insights into the diverse musical tapestry of our world.