Dry heat is the best method of sterilizaion to disinfect medical instruments

I said True

That statement is actually False. The best method of sterilization for disinfecting medical instruments depends on the specific requirements and characteristics of the instruments. While dry heat can be an effective method of sterilization for certain instruments, it is not universally considered the best method.

To determine the most suitable sterilization method, several factors need to be considered, including the type of instrument, its material, and any manufacturer's recommendations. Common sterilization methods include steam sterilization (autoclaving), chemical sterilization (using disinfectants), ethylene oxide sterilization, and low-temperature sterilization methods.

To make an informed decision on the most appropriate sterilization method for a particular instrument, it is advised to consult professional guidelines, scientific literature, and the manufacturer's instructions. These sources provide comprehensive information and recommendations based on scientific research and best practices in the field of medical instrument sterilization.