Describe what the graph of interval [-4,10] looks like.

A line graph with a solid dot at -4, a solid dot at 10, and shading between the two.

-4 0 10

where the 0 are solid or you could use a [ at -4 and a ] at 10

-4 0 10

I think that is how interval notation works, but I could be wrong.

well my spacing for -4, 0, 10 didn't come out right, but hopefully you get the idea. -4 at the beginning, 0 towards the middle, and 10 and the end.

To visualize the graph of the interval [-4, 10], you can start by imagining a number line.

First, mark the point -4 on the number line. This represents the beginning of the interval. Then, mark the point 10, which represents the end of the interval.

Next, draw a vertical line segment connecting these two points. This line segment represents the graph of the interval [-4, 10].

The line segment starts at -4 and ends at 10, including both of these endpoints. It means that any number between -4 and 10, including -4 and 10 themselves, belongs to this interval.

In terms of graphing, you can represent the line segment as a bold line on the number line, making a clear distinction between numbers within the interval and those outside of it.