do you know any good sites that have polynomial word problems for people in grade 9?

Yes, but what kind of polynomial? What kind of problem?

well something like a given situation, and you have to write an algebraic expression relating to polynomials then solve it.

Yes, I can help you find sites that have polynomial word problems suitable for grade 9 students. One reliable option is the Khan Academy website. Khan Academy offers a comprehensive set of online lessons and practice problems in various subjects, including polynomial equations and word problems. You can access their website at

To find the polynomial word problems, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Khan Academy website mentioned above.
2. On the top menu, click on "Subjects" and select "Math."
3. Under the Math section, click on "Algebra" or "High school math."
4. Look for a topic related to polynomials such as "Polynomials" or "Quadratic equations."
5. Once you are on the polynomial page, you can navigate to the "Word Problems" section or search for specific word problems by using the search bar on the website.

Alternatively, another helpful website is IXL ( IXL provides a variety of math practice problems categorized by grade level. On IXL, you can find specific polynomial-related word problems for grade 9 math.

Remember, while these websites are good resources, it's always beneficial to consult your math textbook or ask your teacher for additional practice problems specifically aligned with your curriculum.