An aspirin tablet weighing 0.650 g has been analyzed and contains 68.2 % ASA (180.16 g/mol) by mass. A student dissolved

the tablet in hot NaOH and the cooled solution was diluted with DI water to the mark in a 250 mL volumetric flask. Exactly 3.00 mL
of the solution was pipetted into a 100 mL volumetric flask and diluted to the mark with FeCl3 solution.
The concentration of the diluted solution is__________ in M.
-it didn't work when i tryed it before? please help

What didn't work when you typed it before? I worked this problem for someone, perhaps you and perhaps another student. But let me point out that the problem does not state what it is that goes in the blank. I know concn but concn of what? Is it concn of the aspirin tablet; is it the concn of the aspirin in the aspirin tablet; is it the concn of the FeCl3. Just what do you want the concn of? And how do you propose to solve the problem. Give us your ideas.

thanks i got

To determine the concentration of the diluted solution, we need to follow a step-by-step approach. Let's break it down:

Step 1: Calculate the amount of ASA (acetylsalicylic acid) in the aspirin tablet.
Given that the tablet has a mass of 0.650 g and contains 68.2% ASA by mass, we can calculate the amount of ASA.

Amount of ASA = Mass of tablet x %ASA/100
= 0.650 g x 0.682
= 0.4433 g

Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of ASA.
Since we know the molar mass of ASA (180.16 g/mol), we can determine the number of moles.

Number of moles of ASA = Amount of ASA / Molar Mass of ASA
= 0.4433 g / 180.16 g/mol
≈ 0.002461 mol

Step 3: Calculate the molarity of the diluted solution.
Now we need to determine the molarity (M) of the diluted solution. Here, we'll use the information provided about the solution preparation.

The student pipetted 3.00 mL of the solution and diluted it to the mark with FeCl3 solution in a 100 mL volumetric flask.

Moles of ASA in the 3.00 mL solution = Moles of ASA in the tablet = 0.002461 mol

Now, we can use the volume and moles of ASA to calculate the molarity.

Molarity = Moles of ASA / Volume of Solution (in L)
= 0.002461 mol / (3.00 mL * 10^-3 L/mL)
≈ 0.8203 M

Hence, the concentration of the diluted solution is approximately 0.8203 M.