After the death of Uthman, the Islamic world split into two groups: The Shiites and the what?

I believe it is the Sunnis. Right?

The Sunni

you are right


Yeah no

Sunnis AND Shiites



kittykat is 100% correct

uh uh uh uh uh pat pat pat whyyyy kittkat right! 200%

jeffy stoppit!

Yes, you are correct. After the death of Uthman, the Islamic world split into two major groups: the Shiites and the Sunnis.

To understand how the split occurred, we need to go back to the early history of Islam. Following the death of Prophet Muhammad in 632 CE, a disagreement arose regarding who should succeed him as the leader of the Muslim community, known as the Caliph. This disagreement led to a division among the Muslims.

On one side were those who believed that the Caliph should be chosen based on lineage, meaning the successor should be from the family of Prophet Muhammad. This group, known as the Shiites, believed that the rightful successor was Ali ibn Abi Talib, who was Prophet Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law.

On the other side were those who believed that the Caliph should be elected by the Muslim community, regardless of lineage. This group, known as the Sunnis, believed that the first three Caliphs after Prophet Muhammad - Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman - were rightfully chosen.

The assassination of the third Caliph, Uthman, in 656 CE further deepened the divide. The Shiites believed that Ali should be the fourth Caliph, while the majority of Muslims, who would later become known as Sunnis, supported the election of Muawiyah as the Caliph.

Since then, the division between the Shiites and the Sunnis has persisted and remains one of the major theological and political differences within the Islamic world. It's important to note that within each group, there are diverse interpretations, practices, and sects.