Say you had to create a myth... Do you think it would be OK to write one based on how the dog became man's best friend?

Thanks in advance for the help.

I think that would make a great myth!!! Good writing!

Ok, thanks! I wasn't sure if that would qualify as a myth or not. thanks again

Just remember to set it a long time ago ... and before you start writing, outline your story so that it flows from cause to effect.

Thanks for the tips

Yes, it would be perfectly fine to create a myth based on how the dog became man's best friend. When creating a myth, you have the freedom to draw inspiration from various sources, including real-life relationships between humans and animals.

To craft your myth, you can consider the following steps:

1. Research and gather information: Begin by studying the history and evolution of the human-dog relationship. Look into the domestication of dogs, their roles in different cultures, and the traits that make them loyal companions.

2. Identify key elements: Determine the main characters, settings, and events that will be the foundation of your myth. Think about the initial encounter between humans and dogs, the challenges they faced, and how their bond grew over time.

3. Establish themes and symbolism: Consider the message or lessons you want your myth to convey. Explore themes such as loyalty, companionship, trust, and the power of mutual support. Symbolism can also be incorporated, such as using certain animals or natural elements to represent abstract concepts.

4. Develop the narrative: Craft an engaging story that captures the origins of the human-dog bond. Add elements of adventure, pathos, and mystery to make it captivating to readers or listeners. You can include obstacles, heroic acts, or magical elements to add depth to your myth.

5. Provide context and cultural relevance: Situate your myth within a specific cultural context or adapt it to reflect universal human experiences. Incorporate elements from local folklore, traditions, or beliefs that resonate with your intended audience.

6. Use descriptive language: Employ vivid and evocative language to transport readers into the world of your myth. Describe the emotions, landscapes, and actions of your characters with rich detail to make the story come alive.

Remember, creating a myth is a creative endeavor, so feel free to let your imagination soar and add your personal touch. Enjoy the process of storytelling and the opportunity to explore the powerful connection between humans and dogs through mythology.