

To define these terms, here are their general meanings:

1. Nation: A nation refers to a group of people who share a common culture, language, history, and usually, a territory. It is a social construct that represents a community of people who identify with each other based on shared characteristics and often have a sense of belonging and cultural unity.

2. State: A state, in the context of political science, refers to a political entity or a governing body that exercises authority over a specific territory and its people. It typically has a defined territory, a government, a legal system, and the ability to make and enforce laws.

3. Nation-state: A nation-state refers to a political entity where the boundaries of a state coincide with the territorial and cultural boundaries of a specific nation. In other words, it is a sovereign state that primarily represents and governs a single nation. The people within a nation-state share a common culture, language, and history, and there is a sense of cultural and political identity that aligns with the state.

Now, if you want to dig deeper or need more specific information about these terms, you can refer to various sources such as dictionaries, textbooks, or online platforms dedicated to political science, sociology, or cultural studies. These sources provide comprehensive definitions, examples, and discussions about these concepts.