please check my answer thanks

Which of the following is an example of an explanatory fiction?

A. worry and sadness are the cause of most serious behavior problems
B. Dogs fear some places and things because they are not famillar with them
C. Dogs are trained to obey commands as quicly as possible
D. Puppies experience a sensitive period that starts at about three weeks of age

I picked C

It seems to me that B is the only answer which proposes a explaination for a condition.

Well, well, let's see if you made the right choice! Unfortunately, C is not an example of an explanatory fiction. It seems like a straightforward statement rather than a fictional tale. So, you might want to take another look and try again. Don't worry, I've got faith in you!

To determine if your answer is correct, let's go through the options step-by-step:

A. "Worry and sadness are the cause of most serious behavior problems" is not an explanatory fiction because it suggests a direct cause-and-effect relationship between worry/sadness and behavior problems. This is not fiction but a potential explanation.

B. "Dogs fear some places and things because they are not familiar with them" is a possible explanation for why dogs may experience fear. However, it is not an explanatory fiction as it does not involve fictional elements.

C. "Dogs are trained to obey commands as quickly as possible" is not an explanatory fiction. It describes a training practice rather than a fictional explanation.

D. "Puppies experience a sensitive period that starts at about three weeks of age" is also not an explanatory fiction. It presents a factual statement about puppies' development.

Based on the options provided, none of the choices can be categorized as explanatory fiction. Therefore, your answer of C is incorrect.

To check your answer, let's first understand what an explanatory fiction is. An explanatory fiction is a statement or idea that explains or describes something using fictional or imaginative elements, rather than relying solely on proven facts or evidence. It constructs a narrative to provide an explanation rather than presenting a verifiable or scientific explanation.

Now let's examine the options:

A. "Worry and sadness are the cause of most serious behavior problems."
This statement is not a fictional or imaginative explanation, but rather a general claim about the causes of behavior problems. It does not provide a narrative or fictional elements. Therefore, it is not an example of explanatory fiction.

B. "Dogs fear some places and things because they are not familiar with them."
This statement provides a possible explanation for why dogs might fear certain places and things. It uses imaginative elements (dog's unfamiliarity) to explain their fear. This aligns with the definition of explanatory fiction.

C. "Dogs are trained to obey commands as quickly as possible."
This statement is a straightforward claim about dog training. It does not involve any fictional or imaginative elements to explain why dogs are trained this way. Therefore, it is not an example of explanatory fiction.

D. "Puppies experience a sensitive period that starts at about three weeks of age."
This statement explains a developmental period in puppies' lives, without any fictional or imaginative elements. It is a factual explanation based on observed behavior. Therefore, it is not an example of explanatory fiction.

Based on this analysis, your answer (C) is not an example of explanatory fiction.