please check my answer thanks

Latent learning becomes evident when

A. a puppy grows up
B. the animal is motivated to perform
C a dog has failed with the trial-and-error method
D. a dog experiences social facilitation

I picked A

because latent learning occurs in the absence of reinforcement and remains hidden until they have a need for it

I always was amazed how quickly kids learned chemistry when their parents grounded them for grades. I see Answer B as reliable.


Your answer of choosing option A, "a puppy grows up," for when latent learning becomes evident is incorrect. Latent learning refers to learning that occurs without any immediate reinforcement or motivation. It remains hidden and becomes evident when there is a need or motivation to apply the learned information. Option A does not directly relate to latent learning.

To accurately answer this question, let's review the available options:
A. a puppy grows up
B. the animal is motivated to perform
C. a dog has failed with the trial-and-error method
D. a dog experiences social facilitation

Now, let's break down each option to determine the correct answer:

A. "a puppy grows up" implies a time-based factor, but latent learning is not dependent on age or growth. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.

B. "the animal is motivated to perform" seems plausible, as latent learning becomes evident when there is a motivation or need to use the acquired knowledge. This option aligns with the definition of latent learning.

C. "a dog has failed with the trial-and-error method" is incorrect because latent learning refers to learning that occurs without trial and error. This option suggests that latent learning becomes evident after unsuccessful attempts at trial and error, which is not true.

D. "a dog experiences social facilitation" does not directly relate to latent learning. Social facilitation refers to improved performance by animals in the presence of others, but it does not necessarily involve latent learning.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer would be B, "the animal is motivated to perform." This option aligns with the definition of latent learning, where acquired knowledge becomes evident when there is motivation or need.