# 5 - was suppose ot be sailing or boating


# 3 was suppose to be parachuting?


sailing = navegando (is fine)

boating = paseando en barco
parachuting = parachutando
parachute jumping = saltando en paracaídas

The reason you are using "estar" is because of the -ndo form (Present Progressive)


To understand the words "navagando" and "para???", it seems like you're trying to figure out the correct translations for "sailing or boating" and "parachuting."

To find translations for words or phrases, one helpful resource is an online translation tool. You can use platforms such as Google Translate or WordReference to get translations for different languages.

For "sailing or boating," the correct translation in Spanish is "navegando" (not "navagando" as mentioned). You can verify this translation by entering the phrase into an online translation tool.

As for "parachuting," "para???" seems to be an incomplete word. To find the correct translation, you can try entering the complete word "parachuting" into an online translation tool, and it will provide you with the translation. In Spanish, "parachuting" translates to "paracaidismo."