
Place the zinc nitrate solution into a beaker and connect the zinc electrode so that it is partially submerged in the solution.
Place copper (II) nitrate solution into the porous cup and connect a copper electrode so that it is partially submerged in the solution.
Connect each electrode up to the voltmeter. If the needle moves left, change the connection so that the needle moves right. Record your observations.
Remove the copper electrode and porous cup. Pour out the solution from the porous cup and thoroughly rinse and dry the porous cup.
Repeat steps 2 to 4 using nickel/nickel (II) nitrate and zinc/zinc nitrate.
Repeat steps 2 to 4 using iron/iron (II) nitrate and zinc/zinc nitrate.
Repeat steps 2 to 4 using silver/silver nitrate and zinc/zinc nitrate.
Remove the porous cup and pour out the contents of the beaker.
Place the porous cup back into the beaker and use iron/iron (II) nitrate.
Repeat steps 8-9 using nickel/nickel (II) nitrate in the beaker and silver/silver nitrate.

Record your predicted observations

And what is your question about this cell? Your predicted cell potential can be obtained from a cell potential series.

To record your predicted observations, you will need to analyze the reactivity series of metals. The reactivity series lists metals in order of their reactivity, with the most reactive metals at the top. The series can be used to predict the outcome of a displacement reaction.

Here is the reactivity series of metals in decreasing order of reactivity:

Potassium (K)
Sodium (Na)
Calcium (Ca)
Magnesium (Mg)
Aluminum (Al)
Carbon (C)
Zinc (Zn)
Iron (Fe)
Nickel (Ni)
Tin (Sn)
Lead (Pb)
Hydrogen (H)
Copper (Cu)
Mercury (Hg)
Silver (Ag)
Gold (Au)

Based on this reactivity series, you can predict the observations when different metals are reacted with the solutions.

In steps 2 to 4, you will be combining copper (II) nitrate solution with a copper electrode and zinc nitrate solution with a zinc electrode. Copper (Cu) is less reactive than zinc (Zn), so the displacement reaction between copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) should not occur. Therefore, you would predict that the voltmeter needle will not move or show any significant change in this case.

In steps 5 to 7, you will be using nickel/nickel (II) nitrate and zinc/zinc nitrate. Nickel (Ni) is less reactive than zinc (Zn), so the displacement reaction between nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) should not occur. Similar to the previous case, you would predict that the voltmeter needle will not move or show any significant change.

In steps 8 to 9, you will be using iron/iron (II) nitrate and zinc/zinc nitrate. Iron (Fe) is less reactive than zinc (Zn), so the displacement reaction between iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) should not occur. Consequently, you would predict that the voltmeter needle will not move or show any significant change.

In steps 10 to 11, you will be using silver/silver nitrate and zinc/zinc nitrate. Silver (Ag) is more reactive than zinc (Zn), so the displacement reaction between zinc (Zn) and silver (Ag) should occur. As a result, you would predict that the voltmeter needle may move to the left, indicating a transfer of electrons from zinc to silver.

Remember, these are only predicted observations based on the reactivity series of metals. Actual observations may vary based on experimental conditions.